Dr. Cay Randall-May is a popular lecturer and workshop leader in addition to being an author. To learn more about her presentations please email crandallmayphx@aol.com. Details will gladly be provided, including estimates of fees.

She is available for media interviews. The following are some suggested topics which might be discussed. More can be provided upon request:

1. What is the Inner Vision Process?
2. Describe a typical Inner Vision session.
3. Is your health affected by doing this type of work?
4. Does this method of investigation fit into the modern scientific method?
5. How does the Inner Vision Process compare to the Oracular Method which you describe in your Intuitive Career book?
6. What role, if any, do you feel the Inner Vision Process might serve in the advancement of human knowledge?
7. How does your process compare to that of other intuitive innovators and creative people in general?
8. Are some types of information more easily or accurately accessed than others using this method?
9. In what way(s) has this type of work changed your thinking about learning in general?
10. Has the Inner Vision Process helped to improve your overall intuition?

Cay Randall-May, Ph.D. is available to do individual intuitive sessions. Please visit www.cayrandallmay.com and www.HealingCreativeResponse.com to read more about her sessions. She can be contacted for a session by email crandallmayphx@aol.com. Further information will be provided by request.